All Reviews So Far
A really nice meditation, and I feel so positive.
It's been an emotionally difficult couple of days, but this meditation helped to clear my energies and raise my vibration. Jope with Jabota is a powerful combination.
A mostly calming meditation, but my mind was a little jittery, causing it to be somewhat on the shallow side. Mulateiro was surprisingly a little mild. Nevertheless, a good blessed start to my week.
Jopo wasn't as forceful as it normally is, but brought a pleasant and calm meditation.
This was an amazingly profound meditation, and I'm so very blessed and hopeful for a very bright future.
Another peaceful meditation for today, although a little bit of mild mind-chatter. I feel so good.
It was surprisingly Apuxuri that defined this meditation, being so deep and loving. Jopo was midler than normal, but it was a good peaceful meditation.
Jopo was surprisingly very mild here, but still a relaxing meditation.
A generally very relaxing ceremony that's left me totally at peace and so positive.
A lovely deep meditation from Jopo, and a lovely positive end to my day.
Such a lovely deep and relaxing meditation. Just a little bit of mind-chatter. I feel amazing now.
Jopo got stuck in my throat a little causing a lot of saliva, but this was a very deep and relaxing meditation, and I'm so positive and blessed.
I thought Jopo would have been more forceful and strong, but it was very deep nevertheless, and it was a lovely positive end to my week.
This ceremony was so what I needed to clear my energies and mind. What a blessing.
Jopo again gave such a deep, even forcefully deep, meditation, and I feel totally at ease and clear of mind.
It was surprised that Jopo was milder than normal, but it brough a nice calm. The meditation was deep overall and a lovely happy positive start to my Tuesday.
Vashawa gave a pleasant light-headedness, and Jopo was truly profound, bringing very deep peace.
I haven't tried Jopo in a little while, and it's still extremely profound, bringing deep and forceful peace. It cleared my mind, and I feel so at ease and calm.
Such a deep meditation and an interesting combination of Yopo and Mentolado, which was rough going in, but profound.
I accidentally got my kuripes mixed up and had the Jopo and Onca combination in the left nostril, with Goddess in the right. I didn't think it'd work, but it really did. Jopo and Onca immediately brought an absolutely profound meditation that lasted throughout, bringing very strong crown chakra activation. Goddess was also good, and didn't diminish the feeling. What a blessing.
Veia de Paje was truly profound, bringing deep peace and connectedness with All That Is. It sort of took the sails out the right-nostril combination, which was interesting, but mellower than normal for Onca and Jopo. Nevertheless, a wonderful meditation and truly amazing start to my blessed Friday.
The Love rapé was the best (maybe) I've ever known it, bringing peace. Jopo was profound and very deep. I feel so positive and amazing.
Again, Veia de Paje gave such an extremely deep start to this meditation, sending me into such a quiet and positive place. Jopo left me rather numb. In a good way, but I think I prefer other rapés at this time in the morning, as I kind of inhibited my ability to really activate my chakras. I really good start to my day.
It was a good meditation and very relaxing, in spite of some burping and a minor soundtrack problem. Jopo brought great peace.
Not the deepest of meditation, but relaxing and it clear my mind and heightened my energies. I feel very positive.
It was interesting trying Jopo as the first rapés here on this very early morning meditation. Maybe I'll try it again, but it seems there's no beating Parika first thing in the morning.
This meditation was so very deep. I was sent into a profound state straight away, with such peace. This lasted throughout, and I was alsmost in a dream-lime state. I feel so positive and relaxed.
Such a deep meditation and blessed end to my week. Jopo is so profound.
This was the best early morning ceremony of late, and Parika was particularly calming and extremely deep. My mind immediately cleared. Jopo was such as good combination was Clarity 7,0, and today is such a blessed day.
A new combination of this Cumaru with Jopo gave a really nice meditation. Minor interruptions, but a good ceremony to start my day and I feel so thankful and positive.
Jopo gave a wonderful and very deep meditation. It's certainly a very potent and heavy blend.
A deep meditation from two strong rapés. Been a strange few days, but everything is good.
A really nice meditation from Jopo, and even Forca was more potent than normal. A true blessing on this snowy day.
A nice meditation from Jopo, which is a truly deep and potent rapé. A feel really good and very positive with a clear mind.
Jopo was very relaxing and deep. Mapacho Tsunu was the mildest I've ever known it. A good end nevertheless to my Saturday.
This was a bit of a strange one. I very rarely try to sound track, and I have to be in the right mood (which I was!), but some rapé went down my throat at the start, causing lots of gagging and burping. Nevertheless, I went deep and feel amazing.
Again, Jopo is really powerful and deep. I feel really good and positive.
Although Nexus was very mild, it was somewhat calming, and Jopo gave a very deep meditation. What a truly strong and rich blend this is!
A truly wonderful start to my weekend, with a profound meditation. I feel clear of mind and ready for my blessed day.
Jopo gave a wonderful meditation and made me really happy. What a blessing.
A very deep meditation from two powerful blends. I don't do Portal much these days, but this enormous amount of it here brought about a wonderful calming meditation with serious crown chakra activation. I was mainly disturbed by a soundtrack problem.
Again for today, a little bit shallow (and a little warm), but I feel relaxed. I'm still not sure about Clarity (only the second time for it, I think), but maybe a little on the milder side. We'll see.
The left nostril combination was a little on the mild side but brought calm. Samauma was deep and strong. A lovely end to my weekend and the future is so bright.
Another very good meditation, mainly from Jopo, my new rapé. I'm so glad I got so much of it. This meditation was just what I needed after a rather stressful day.
I tried the second of my new rapés, Nukini Onca. It's a light grey, slightly aromatic blend, which seems quite gentle, but not too mild, and I need to work more with this. I suspect it's a good rapé. I tried my new Jopo for the second time today, this time in the right nostril, and it's definitely a strong blend - very satisfying. I just had a general feeling of contentness, and I'm so thankful.
I tried my new rapé, Jopo, seemingly from an independent shaman in Brazil. It's a dark grey earthy and strong rapé, and I'm glad I bought so much of it! I lovely meditation. Pity about some rapé stuck in my throat at the beginning and mild mind-chatter, but a calming meditation and I feel absolutely fantastic and so grateful for everything.